Saturday, March 1, 2008

heartless people

I have always wondered why people can be so hearless.. This is an answer that can only come from God. But still i wonder why why why? I have no idea who reads this but if you do not know.. I have had foster brothers for about 4 years, and for that amount of time, they have tought me so much. When they first came to live with us, honestly i had no clue what to think. I caught myself asking questions like why... Am I not enough for my parents?? That question was totally wrong to ask. They were truly a blessing to my family, my friends, my church family, and most of all ME. I never would have thought that after Christmas, i could possibly never see them again. This was a difficult thought to cope with. Its like everything was going great in my life; I had good grades and things at work were slowing down but wow, what a bombshell was dropped when we got a call. The call consists of a social worker wanting the kids for a weekend visit with a woman that could possibly adopt them. These kids are very much attached to our family,,,, there is no way that it could possibly happen.. These thoughts kept running through my mind.. BUT it takes someone without a heart to prove me wrong once again. So it turns out that i have not seen these amazing kids in months.. Everything is gone.. their stuff, their rooms are empty and this place in my heart feels as if something is missing. i miss everything about them. So that leaves me with the question.. how could someone be so harsh and crule to take kids from the only home they know, do not allow any contact with them nor see them. It makes me mad, sad, and unfulfilled. But God has a plan for them and something in the future will have an outcome to all of this. Heartless people make me sick.

1 comment:

Paige M said...

It's so good to hear this from you. I know you are hurting, but to know that God has a plan for your family and that His ways are better than yours, makes this difficult time somewhat easier. I'm glad you know this truth. We love y'all and will continue to pray for God's hand in this situation!