Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Did i jinx myself??

Did i jinx myself? indeed i did. The year is winding down and i found out my total amount on vacation, sick and personal time. Well, my sick time was huge, 78 hours to be exact. Last year and this year's time has been combined to get that number. Slick ole me thought that he could pull a smooth one and be "sick" for a day; however I was wrong. I ended up feeling fine all day yesterday up until that night and BAM, the sickness hit me like a ton of bricks. So, I made the appointment and paid my pediatrician... yes i said pediatrician, a visit. Im 22 and i still go to a pediatrician, because dang, i dont find it neccesary to see a regular doctor. Well the doctor came into the room and said that my strep test was positive. Oh the throat, ahh oh the aches and pains.. come on now, im superman. So, i guess i did jinx myself and ended up sick as a dog. I could basically pinpoint it because Alvin got sick sick and had to go to the doctor yesterday. Of course the doctor told him it was strep, so that little booger likes to spread them germs. I blame it on the daycare. His daycare is crazy, It smells like a rotten turd in there and i couldn't handle it if i were a child. Anyways, thats pretty much all thats going on except school is over!!!!! Im wicked glad too. I need a break from the crazy classes and all the mess of studying. And Christmas is here," time to share the yule log.. well not like I have a log... well in the way you think i meant it"... Can anyone name that movie quote? haha thats something to think about.. anyways, im off to bed and get better! more stories for another day.


Abo, Crys, GB and FB said...

chevy chase christmas vaca?
And daycare do stink that's why GB doesn't go to one :)

j_webb said...

Mary: "Can I take something out for you?"
Clark: "(laughs) I was just looking at something for my wife, god rest her soul."
Mary: "Oh god, I'm so sorry."
Clark: "Oh no no no, she's not dead. We're just divorced. She's history. And, obviously she doesn't wear underwear. And, there are plenty of shopping days left until aduteries - adulthood - which is to say christmas, as in yule, yule log. Not a log, I don't have a log. I mean you know. If I had a log, not in the sence that you think I said I did. (laughs) Good golly. Tis the season to be merry."
Mary: "That,s my name."