Thursday, December 4, 2008

almost done!

Yeah that's right, almost done. What exactly am i talking about you may ask? SCHOOL! Im wicked excited that the semester is almost over, just another week and im finished until January. These few weeks have been crazy at work. I had to attend classes that are job related and it made me feel as if i had class from 8 till 9 at night. Not to mention it has been freezing, and I work out in the cold and the rain makes it even harder. Moving on to another subject.... Christmas! I mean it seems like yesterday Alicia and I were at the lake soaking up the sun and now Christmas time. That reminds me, I have my second family to buy for. I must say as the year is winding down, it sure has been a great one! Best year by far.
I cant wait for the big Bama game. oddly, it's at 3:00 but, i cant wait to have some of Bradleys amazing ribs, as well as dela's amazing whatever she cooks. It's good to have someone like Alicia who can appreciate Alabama Football like i do. Anyways Im in the need of some prayer. I need to sell the camper so that I can have some money down for a house. I know that it will sell in God's timing, but im just praying that his timing could be remotely close to mine. It's a nice camper and would be great for someone, but dang, i would rather have a nice warm home that is on my own... being a man... hanging sheetrock.. tuning up the truck... growing a beard.. you know the man stuff that i enjoy. But im really hoping that everything goes smoothly. I gotta keep in mind that God is in control and will take care of me no matter what. More stories on another day!

1 comment:

Abo, Crys, GB and FB said...

that's right we are the second family but we like only the BEST... Just kidding PLEASE do not get Adam and I anything. Just spend your $$$ on Alicia :)