Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Turkey lurkey doo and turkey lurkey dap.. i eat turkey and i take a nap.

oh thanksgiving is a great time of the year.. something about the pilgrams and all the blah blah stuff.. all i know is that its time to eat. The one time of the year when i can eat all i want all day and then nap it all off. yeah thats how i roll. This year me and alicia started a new tradition with bradley and dela. They cook all kinds of good stuff on thanksgiving's eve and then we watch christmas vacation. its a wonderful thing. I love this time of the year! I hope everyone has a great thanksgiving, and be sure to pull for the tide this weekend as be embark on a rival team.. the Auburn tigers.. ah i can hardly even say that without making a bad face.. ha, more stories on another day


Abo, Crys, GB and FB said...

I told Alicia we OBVIOUSLY were not cool enough to hang out with you guys. Sorry we don't have cable and have a kid. Maybe one day....maybe!

j_webb said...

Man I slept in a hard oak rocking chair at Anne Marie's brothers in Georgia in the living room with 20 people there. There is something to be said about Triptophan (sp?) or whatever is in that turkey lurkey. If they could bottle that stuff, ...what a sleep aid.

As for the game, I can surely wait for the other stories another the wayyyy DISTANT future. War Eagle anyway....

Heres one of my fav C.V. quotes:

Clark: Can I refill your eggnog for you? Get you something to eat? Drive you out to the middle of nowhere and leave you for dead?

Eddie: Naw, I'm doing just fine, Clark.