Sunday, January 17, 2010

God is amazing

Why do people feel the need to act the way they do? I think it's very funny that people can act a certain way or do certain things around people to make themselves look good.. Shall I elaborate?? Sure! People who sit back and judge and gossip are crazy to me.. I mean seriously, Get a life. I have been through many things this past month that are pretty much life changing. I have learned that GOD is way BIGGER than me! I thought i was a good christian, but wow he has really been speaking to me. Alicia and I have been visiting a bible study.. Actually its two bible studies and a church service in a day.. AMAZING, i have never been challenged to be this disciplined in my life. I read that playing the guitar requires a person to practice and be disciplined will cause them to be a very skilled and awesome player... well this actually needs to be in the same since of God. God does not want you to be lukewarm, he wants you to be on fire for him. and to be that way you need to be disciplined. That hit home to me and alicia. God has been working in our lives like crazy and honestly im so thankful.. I needed it and i know that i couldnt do it alone. It makes me sit back and realize that she was put into my life for a reason.. and i know that i couldnt make it at all without her. I have learned so much from her and shes truly a blessing. And to go back to my first lines on the blog.... Why do people act the way they do? Heck, i know, because God isn't first in their life.... how do i know this, well because i WAS there... ARE YOU THERE NOW?


deLa said...

we have a "bible study" at work every wednesday (i know, awesome right?? work!!) this past wednesday i felt so compelled to make time to get there on time and fellowship and not be rushed. we watched a couple of the "i am second" videos and my emotions poured out of me. all the good that happened to me last year, all the bad that happened for a reason last year, all the blessings from last year. sometimes God lets you hit absolute rock bottom before he swoops in to resuce you just so you remember that your life is not your own. you belong to Him. bills, relationships - whatever it may be, He can handle it all. I am blessed because I am second. im so proud of you and alicia you have such a beautiful marriage.

Abo, Crys, GB and FB said...

Today was eye opening for me in my bible study if we all followed the GREATEST commandment which is "love the Lord you God with all your heart, mind and strength, The second is love your neighbor as yourself" - mark 12:30-31. If people followed these 2 GREATEST commandments, we won't need the other 8! John Evan you have to expect the LOST to act LOST! Most bitter and miserable people are LOST they are filling a void in their life that is never going to get filled except with the Holy Spirit.
I am so thankful that you are being the spiritual leader of the family and taking care of Alicia. God will continue to bless you two as long as you guys stay focused on HIM and don't worry about what people say JE. People are going to let you down, its just part of it, but the people who love you the most will always look out for what's best for you! they are the ones that love you unconditionally just like God loves us!